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Old August 23rd, 2012, 01:44   #9
a.k.a. Fury a.k.a. VipaMave
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: Markham-ON
Originally Posted by Joewa654321 View Post
That is extremely handy. If I used an AK V3 gearbox on my G36C, would I get higher or lower FPS and different ROF? And wouldnt using a different gearbox not fit the gun because the triggers would be different sizes? I need to be sure on this as I have a game this weekend that I really dont want to miss.
Gearboxes are gearboxes, there is no special AK, M4, G36, or any other gearbox. V2 Gearboxes are standard, V3 Gearboxes are slimmer profile. Your FPS will depend on the spring strength within the gearbox while the ROF will be affected by proper gear shimming and the cycle rate of your motor (provided it is outputting enough torque for your gears).

If you drop in a gearbox with a stronger spring, you will have more FPS. If you don't want to change the FPS, take the spring out of your old gearbox and use that.
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