Originally Posted by Kos-Mos
C'est normal.
Charges a 2-3A (si c'est une large, 1A si c'est une mini).
Ta batterie fait des faux peaks et ton chargeur arretes.
Et achètes une nouvelle bat... on est pas en '96 pour rouler sur des NiCd...
J'sais ben, mais pour ce que je fais avec... et le gun dans laquelle je la mets vaut apeupres 100$

J'vais essayer a 2-3A voir ce que ca donne. Quand j'aurai une coupe de piasses de libre j'investirai dans du NIMH
Originally Posted by Styrak
It's a NiCD battery. Maybe it has bad charge memory now.
Use NiMH's, they're much better and don't care when/how long you charge them.
According to the whole "pulse charger" gimmick, it's supposed to break the crystals causing memory. I'll do a full discharge, but I have to space out the sessions. It does it at 4A, and it gets way too hot for my liking. I've already done two full discharges in the past, and didn't use it that much to begin with.
UPDATE : Charged it, started at 8.04V according to multimeter. TWO cycles, at 3A. Didn't even get warm, and instead, went down to 7.79V. What. The. Derp.