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Old March 28th, 2011, 19:27   #126
ibangkneebacks's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: vancouver, bc
TK (Tanio Kobayashi) inner twist barrels

so this thread is for the disscussion on the pro's and cons of the TK twist barrel system...

lets please keep our inquiries and comments to a easy other words lets b nice =)

to krap101- yeah bro check out the vid on youtube called "Tanio Kobas Twist Barrel - Testing on an M14"...posted by a doof named 'd1ggah'...i'm jk about the doof part coz he did the vid on a whim and forgot to use a the grouping is a little off...
i have 5 barrels in use right in my A&K SVD, one in my G&P SVD, one in both my TK KJW M4's and one in my Inokatsu...all have done the same; evened out the fps, made the trajectory straighter and my grouping is alot tighter...yet has compromised distance...this is okay for i am more into accuracy than power transfer...

also, i hope tokyoseven is nice and plays a little joke on my thread again =)
life sucks, so unzip your fly
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