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Old November 14th, 2010, 14:57   #12
formerly Sepulcrum
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Originally Posted by Cilantro View Post
I realize this is a really big longshot of an idea, but I'd like to see if any of the AEG AR mag adapters would fit on the G39c, and if AR mags would fit, or if the adapter could be modified to fit AR mags. I've always loved the G36, but the mags are the hugest turnoff of the platform, IMO. Also, NOT having to buy 5 - 8 extra mags (assuming you're running a WE SCAR/AR) would be a huge plus.
The AEG AR mag adapter could probably fit with little to no work.

But AEG mags don't carry gas.

I'd imagine the real steal (i know, polymer) would probably work. But the mag compatibility may be imposible without modifying the mags.
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