I've owned and fielded an ICS M4 for 4 years and I've put it through serious hell in over +70 games at +7 different fields in Ontario and (western) Quebec in many different weather conditions (mud & sand, rain & shine, night & day, cold & warm, except snow). My advise, keep it as stock and only bother getting replacement parts. Of the hell my ICS M4 has been through, I've only had to replace the tappet plate (from improper use of the Forward Assist [only suppose to use when after games and when opening mechbox for maintenance]) and hop up. Remember, ICS M4s can only take ICS hop ups. Then again, I'm not a Rambo who likes to hose people down with 3 consecutive minutes of automatic bursts.
However, if you really really want to run the risk of messing with your gun, I recommend contacting LUTNIT. I've always gone to him for gun work and general airsoft knowledge and he has yet to disappoint. He recently owned a super duper heavily modified and upgraded ICS M4, but downgraded and sold it, because it was too much of a headache to field. His ICS used to be a crazy monster, but I've seen him have to sit out or use a different gun in the middle of many games to deter me from heavily modifying or upgrading my ICS M4.
Again, if it shoots fine, I say leave it as it is. My 2 cents.
Good luck.