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Search: Posts Made By: Darklen
Forum: Newbie Tank April 17th, 2018, 14:10
Replies: 6
Views: 11,883
Posted By Darklen
There are paint ball BB’s out there. They’re made...

There are paint ball BB’s out there. They’re made more for cheap low powered springers, are typically low quality and burst in the mag or the gun when fired, making a big mess.
Forum: Newbie Tank February 17th, 2018, 19:18
Replies: 3
Views: 6,649
Posted By Darklen
I used to paint the top inch or so of my mags...

I used to paint the top inch or so of my mags fluorescent orange and mark them with my call sign as well as number them so if one has a problem, I can find the mag after the game to service it.
Forum: General February 16th, 2018, 14:36
Replies: 6
Views: 561,615
Posted By Darklen
As of 12:36 MST today "Last Activity:...

As of 12:36 MST today

"Last Activity: Yesterday 11:12"
Forum: General February 11th, 2018, 01:47
Replies: 10
Views: 13,983
Posted By Darklen
All ads not bumped/banana'd/sold/remove since...

All ads not bumped/banana'd/sold/remove since Nov. 1/17 have been removed.
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications February 2nd, 2018, 15:42
Replies: 6
Views: 8,580
Posted By Darklen
Redwolf have Prometheus 6.03mm 420mm barrels in...

Redwolf have Prometheus 6.03mm 420mm barrels in stock. TM based barrels had the locking ring in a different location than other AEG's. If you find an inner barrel with two sets of flats machined into...
Forum: General January 25th, 2018, 16:20
Replies: 3
Views: 6,065
Posted By Darklen
Your user name has not been submitted to the AV...

Your user name has not been submitted to the AV thread (I'm the one who usually "flips the switch"). I searched the entire list going back to 2007. Contact whoever AV'd you about it or get it redone.
Forum: General January 2nd, 2018, 15:40
Replies: 10
Views: 13,983
Posted By Darklen
I've just finished cleaning out the classified...

I've just finished cleaning out the classified sections. All ads not bumped/banana'd/sold/remove since Oct. 1/17 have been removed. If you can't bump your ad at least once in three months, you've...
Forum: ASC News and Announcements October 31st, 2017, 10:38
Replies: 25
Views: 236,028
Posted By Darklen
Try now. I manually changed your account to a...

Try now. I manually changed your account to a registered user.
Forum: Canadian Airsoft News Stand October 24th, 2017, 21:43
Replies: 17
Views: 75,720
Posted By Darklen
First page actually. I view 30 posts/page and...

First page actually. I view 30 posts/page and this page ends with posts from 2012.
Forum: General October 19th, 2017, 17:04
Replies: 10
Views: 13,983
Posted By Darklen
Just did a quick check of something else. Ads...

Just did a quick check of something else. Ads that had "Sold" in the title:

AEG - 30
Spring/Gas: 35
Access: 29
Gear: 26

Ads that had "Delete" in the title:

AEG: 7
Forum: General October 19th, 2017, 16:37
Replies: 10
Views: 13,983
Posted By Darklen
Just as in indicator of how bad old ad's are,...

Just as in indicator of how bad old ad's are, there are currently 593 ads listed in just the AEG section. 347 of them haven't been updated since July 1. 58% or so old, unmaintained ads that have...
Forum: General October 18th, 2017, 15:09
Replies: 10
Views: 13,983
Posted By Darklen
It's quite easy, though takes a bit of time. If...

It's quite easy, though takes a bit of time. If the forum info will be migrated over, it'll help as well.

BTW, you have 20 ads going but only 8 are actually active. The rest "SOLD" (x2),...
Forum: General October 18th, 2017, 13:10
Replies: 10
Views: 13,983
Posted By Darklen
Classifieds Updates

FYI, I'm the admin who typically goes through the classifieds and cleans out the sold (aka "banana") ad's, cleans your sales threads so you don't have a huge amount of bumps and generally tries to...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion April 15th, 2017, 19:38
Replies: 6
Views: 9,556
Posted By Darklen
G&G's own list of authorized dealers. ...

G&G's own list of authorized dealers.
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications April 12th, 2017, 16:40
Replies: 5
Views: 9,382
Posted By Darklen
There's Excels from Japan but I believe they are...

There's Excels from Japan but I believe they are 5.91mm
Forum: Doctor's Corner April 4th, 2017, 13:45
Replies: 12
Views: 13,572
Posted By Darklen
Any authorized G&G dealer can get replacement...

Any authorized G&G dealer can get replacement parts. How long it takes depends on availability from G&G. The part number for your outer barrel is SG553-06.
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications February 22nd, 2017, 18:47
Replies: 19
Views: 22,547
Posted By Darklen
Check the classifieds. There's several there, at...

Check the classifieds. There's several there, at least one (G&P) in Toronto already
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications February 22nd, 2017, 17:36
Replies: 19
Views: 22,547
Posted By Darklen
That'll work as well but you have all the parts...

That'll work as well but you have all the parts already, they just need some modification. You could check with your local player group and see if someone has some used parts that'll work for you as...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications February 22nd, 2017, 12:51
Replies: 19
Views: 22,547
Posted By Darklen
I've done rear wire conversions for these model...

I've done rear wire conversions for these model types in my shop before and cetane is correct with the necessary mods. Spacer plate has to be notched or replaced with a notched type (sling mount or...
Forum: Newbie Tank February 1st, 2017, 13:42
Replies: 8
Views: 13,310
Posted By Darklen
Bolt come with a 6.01mm tightbore from the...

Bolt come with a 6.01mm tightbore from the factory. Make sure the inner barrel is clean as well. I've seen this being as much a problem as a hopup issue.
Forum: Accessories Discussion January 21st, 2017, 15:38
Replies: 6
Views: 15,806
Posted By Darklen
Depends on your buffer tube. Milspec tubes are...

Depends on your buffer tube. Milspec tubes are 1.148" (2.92 cm). Commercial are 1.168" (3 cm). So a commercial stock will fit on a milspec tube but not the other way around. AEG tubes are kind of all...
Forum: General January 1st, 2017, 14:25
Replies: 20
Views: 28,604
Posted By Darklen
All the classifieds are now pruned. For Sale,...

All the classifieds are now pruned. For Sale, Wanted, International and NAR sections. Anything not updated (bumped) since September 2016 have been archived.
Forum: General December 29th, 2016, 20:07
Replies: 20
Views: 28,604
Posted By Darklen
2 day warning. If you have an active classified...

2 day warning. If you have an active classified ad and it hasn't been bumped since October 2016, it will be archived next week.
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications December 27th, 2016, 19:27
Replies: 3
Views: 7,118
Posted By Darklen
Looks like how Classic Army do it. There should...

Looks like how Classic Army do it. There should be pins in the holes in the upper. Any small roll pin that fits will work.
Forum: General December 14th, 2016, 12:53
Replies: 20
Views: 28,604
Posted By Darklen
Actually, there's no real need to start a new...

Actually, there's no real need to start a new thread if you have an active one. You can just edit the original post to add items, edit the title and move sold items to your first bumped post. I...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications December 5th, 2016, 19:44
Replies: 18
Views: 20,008
Posted By Darklen
Retro Arms ...

Retro Arms

Installed several already for customers. They're incredibly well made and there' several options for the V2 crowd.

Oh and Ares V2 have a...
Forum: General December 3rd, 2016, 19:46
Replies: 20
Views: 28,604
Posted By Darklen
It's in the rules in the pinned post in each of...

It's in the rules in the pinned post in each of the classified sections. Can't/won't read the rules, win an infraction. Do it enough and the system imposes an automatic vacation without admin...
Forum: General December 3rd, 2016, 19:01
Replies: 20
Views: 28,604
Posted By Darklen
That's up to the individual seller. Sometimes...

That's up to the individual seller. Sometimes there's way too much to list or they have a long running sales post, adding things to sell and moving sold items to another post.
Forum: General December 3rd, 2016, 18:49
Replies: 20
Views: 28,604
Posted By Darklen
Classifieds Clean Up

Attention everyone who has an active ad in any of the Classified sections. In the first week of the new year, I will be archiving any and all ads that have not been maintained for at least 3 months....
Forum: Gear Discussion November 12th, 2016, 15:13
Replies: 10
Views: 17,931
Posted By Darklen
Naval version?

Naval version?
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion October 26th, 2016, 00:05
Replies: 5
Views: 7,992
Posted By Darklen
They are if you look close.

They are if you look close.
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion October 22nd, 2016, 17:46
Replies: 5
Views: 7,992
Posted By Darklen
G&G "Modified" V2 Gearbox

FYI. Not to be confused with their newly announced "New Generation Gearbox" coming out around this Christmas, G&G have made a slight revision/modification the their current non-blowback V2 gearboxes...
Forum: Newbie Tank October 17th, 2016, 20:22
Replies: 21
Views: 29,708
Posted By Darklen
It means the body is cast in a machined billet...

It means the body is cast in a machined billet style look. It's not actually machined. G&G is doing the same thing with their SR series ans several others. The bodies have the angular look of a...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion September 2nd, 2016, 17:27
Replies: 7
Views: 10,802
Posted By Darklen
The only MP5 I've ever had (and I've had lots...

The only MP5 I've ever had (and I've had lots over the years) that I'm 100% comfortable with doing the HK slap on is the G&G one. The way the charging handle is designed, it doesn't hit the front of...
Forum: Newbie Tank July 8th, 2016, 18:16
Replies: 16
Views: 18,448
Posted By Darklen
The MX5 series use ICS's split gearbox used in...

The MX5 series use ICS's split gearbox used in their AR line along with a mosfet. Several internal parts are proprietary like the entire trigger switch unit and the selector assemblies.
Forum: Newbie Tank July 6th, 2016, 20:36
Replies: 4
Views: 7,744
Posted By Darklen
Only Echo One and Classic Army have made...

Only Echo One and Classic Army have made "production" mini guns. There were a few custom one offs but I've never heard of anyone else making them. G&G's most ambitious project to date is the MG42.
Forum: Newbie Tank July 6th, 2016, 17:40
Replies: 4
Views: 7,744
Posted By Darklen
Discontinued, quite a while ago if memory serves....

Discontinued, quite a while ago if memory serves. Not showing on their website as in current production. Was a piece of crap too boot. the Classic Army one is worlds away better but they build them...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications June 24th, 2016, 12:28
Replies: 3
Views: 5,306
Posted By Darklen
The pins are splined or knurled on one side and...

The pins are splined or knurled on one side and mostly come out from right to left (viewing from the back). If you punch them out the wrong way, it's a royal pain as the splined end is bigger than...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications May 18th, 2016, 13:36
Replies: 11
Views: 9,869
Posted By Darklen
Agreed. Every CM16 Carbine/Raider we've brought...

Agreed. Every CM16 Carbine/Raider we've brought in shoots between 380-400 fps w/0.20g and will accurately reach about 130-150' w0/25g
Forum: General May 6th, 2016, 07:11
Replies: 12
Views: 12,657
Posted By Darklen
It's for ASC only. If a retailer chooses to...

It's for ASC only. If a retailer chooses to verify your age, that's their business.
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications April 16th, 2016, 16:36
Replies: 2
Views: 5,873
Posted By Darklen
For G&G blowback type guns, like yours, the...

For G&G blowback type guns, like yours, the gearbox is proprietary for the blowback feature. This can be disabled and does not help/harm the gun if done properly. You can change the gearbox to a...
Forum: Accessories Discussion April 14th, 2016, 12:39
Replies: 12
Views: 11,954
Posted By Darklen
There's also G&G's new M.I.T. unit. Chrono,...

There's also G&G's new M.I.T. unit. Chrono, Tracer, Shot counter all built into one. Pricey though. CDN MSRP is $250.
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications April 6th, 2016, 16:01
Replies: 6
Views: 8,941
Posted By Darklen
Not economical to change it out. The rail system...

Not economical to change it out. The rail system it comes with has adapter mounts for the factory barrel that may not work with an after market one. So by replacing the outer barrel you might have to...
Forum: General December 24th, 2015, 18:58
Replies: 3
Views: 6,629
Posted By Darklen
PTS Gmags have been out of production for almost...

PTS Gmags have been out of production for almost 2 years, so what ever is out there is all there is. They are very hard to get. If you can find them, get them. Surprised PTS hasn't released something...
Forum: General December 2nd, 2015, 12:58
Replies: 15
Views: 15,132
Posted By Darklen
Try a retail supply store. They should have...

Try a retail supply store. They should have multiple sizes and sell individually.
Forum: Newbie Tank August 18th, 2015, 15:00
Replies: 11
Views: 10,359
Posted By Darklen
FYI, Mad Bull 0.36g are still available. Mad Bull...

FYI, Mad Bull 0.36g are still available. Mad Bull changed the colors of the 0.36g & 0.40g a few years ago from green and tan to light and dark grey.
Forum: Doctor's Corner March 28th, 2015, 19:35
Replies: 1
Views: 4,076
Posted By Darklen
The G&G bolt catch does not engage the fake bolt...

The G&G bolt catch does not engage the fake bolt automatically. It's actually sprung to release it. You have to engage it manually. The bolt catch holds the linkage down, not up. Otherwise the hold...
Forum: Gear Discussion January 1st, 2015, 20:27
Replies: 5
Views: 5,449
Posted By Darklen
The KJW 1911 Govt model will fit any real or...

The KJW 1911 Govt model will fit any real or clone SERPA. The MEU (railed version) won't fit most as the rails interfere unless the holster is modified.
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications December 26th, 2014, 09:54
Replies: 9
Views: 7,348
Posted By Darklen
It's not the lip he's referring to, it's the...

It's not the lip he's referring to, it's the spring loaded retaining tab. The one AEG every mag has to hold bb's in. I've never seen one and to my knowledge, no one makes a metal one. While I suspect...
Forum: Doctor's Corner December 6th, 2014, 19:53
Replies: 18
Views: 12,679
Posted By Darklen
Wouldn't solve the horrifically long trigger pull...

Wouldn't solve the horrifically long trigger pull though. It's worse that a V3.
Showing results 1 to 50 of 500

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