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Knife kill
Hello again friends, I played at soldier of fortune on Sunday. It was my first milsim game, and I had a great time. At one point I was providing security to a path awaiting further orders. To my dismay I turned around and was staring down the barrel of two spec ops ak's. I was taken hostage with a knife to my throat and questioned (I gave up no one!), then taken out of the game. It seemed a little silly, but it added an aspect to the game that really got my adrenaline going. Well done I must say. But as it was all happening I felt there was moments were I could free myself and turn the tables. Is it against the rules to bat a knife away from a player.nor am I just to go with it? I didn't act this time because I was unsure of the rules of engagement...
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Think that is a pretty grey area. Personnaly i would just go with it unless i knew 100% that battin the knife away or turning the tables wouldnt hurt anyone or go against field knife rules. Side note: Why were they using a knife to secure a hostage i would have just used my gun usually a knife to the throat or any body part counts as an instant knife KILL not a mercy/disarming. just my 0.02 cents but really it would be up to the game/field rules oh and propper judgement.
Note: i have been knifed before by Claymore in the middle of the night and yes it scared the living shit outa me so bad i actually shot him afterwards in a reflex move. It all happend so fast. I said it then and ill say it now "Sorry Claymore it was reflex" he was laughing so hard afterwards i think he knew he got the better of me and the 5 guys before me in our Main base. |
It all depends on the host's rules. Always follow those.
Generally the rules with knives are .. touch to kill...
we don't really want to get into hand to hand combat.. ( ok that is I lie.. I totally want to get into hand to hand combat.. but it's not practical ) the only way then to defend yourself is to smack away the hand holding it.. which could be classified as an assault if the other person did not consent to contact. |
I vote shoot them. |
When the other guy throws down their rifle as well and pulls out a knife, you pull your sidearm and shoot them, Indiana Jones style. Sounds like a solid plan. |
If somebody got the better of me and managed to put a knife on my throat, I would just accept it for several reasons. First respect for their skills, second it takes the game to a new level because now have a hostage, third and most important.... I don't want to start something that might escalate into something physical and negative.
In my book, the person attacking as a responsibility of being in control of is attack so that he wont hurt the target. The target as the responsibility to surrender if their his a danger of being hurt by resisting to much. It's Airsoft, not SAS training with real weapons, we are there to have fun:) If I read you correctly, you enjoyed the action so my guess is that you had the right reaction. Take care, 5kull |
Those are all solid answers, thanks.
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I was at that game, the team that took you hostage DO NOT accept mercy at all, if you place a gun/knife to there backs they'll slap the gun down and shot you ever time, I refuse to mercy there team now for this reason.
I don't think there's anything wrong with the tactic I guess, but not something I would do, I would accept a mercy, but a knife to the neck is a kill to me. |
Mercy is just that, the act of showing another player MERCY by not shooting them at close range with an outdoor gun. You call mercy and they didn't see you, they're dead no questions asked. Players shouldn't have to be cautious about mercying others, the point is -- you could have shot them but instead you chose not to risk their safety by calling mercy. |
Taking Hostages and interrogating players, was not part of the game either. Nor was using our dead teammates as cover to move up paths. But now I'm getting off topic. As far as I'm concerned, the OP had a good time and if it was all in fun, then great. I'm happy that common sense prevailed.
There are certain individuals that i would never attempt to knife, due to the past training in the CF
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