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ecnerual July 23rd, 2012 17:17

What is good to fix in the M4 KING ARMS
Hi guys,

I have heard that every single airsoft gun will broke ! So my question is : What is gonna break in my king arms full METAL M4 and what would you guys MOD in this gun to make it a lot more affective !

Ready July 23rd, 2012 17:21

Well let me just pull out my crystal ball and tea leaves then I'll tell you exactly what part will break in your gun in 36 days 4 hours 47 minutes and 2 seconds

ecnerual July 23rd, 2012 17:24


Originally Posted by Ready (Post 1682277)
Well let me just pull out my crystal ball and tea leaves then I'll tell you exactly what part will break in your gun in 36 days 4 hours 47 minutes and 2 seconds

I meant :what part is weak in this gun !:p But if you are a true wizzard Transforme my gearbox into a systema one plz.!

Stealthee July 23rd, 2012 17:32


Originally Posted by ecnerual (Post 1682281)
I meant :what part is weak in this gun !:p But if you are a true wizzard Transforme my gearbox into a systema one plz.!


L473ncy July 23rd, 2012 18:20

Undersized piston O-ring and cut off lever seem to be the two that I see most often. Other than that just replace parts as they break.

Look at TM, those guns if you don't open them up and mess around with are built like tanks (I've seen some with more than 150K rounds into it and still running all stock except maybe deans plugs and a 1 piece outer barrel). Partly it has to do with the 1Joule spring in there not putting much stress on everything else but once you open it up you let out the magic TM gearbox fairies.

Styrak July 23rd, 2012 21:06

How about you wait until something breaks, and then fix it? It could be tomorrow, it could be (more likely) months or years down the road.

Stealth July 23rd, 2012 21:08


Originally Posted by Styrak (Post 1682379)
How about you wait until something breaks, and then fix it? It could be tomorrow, it could be (more likely) months or years down the road.

Wise words.

Honestly your question begs a counter-question: how deep down your pockets do you want to go??

Andre_1999 July 23rd, 2012 21:26

Just wait untill something breaks, Anything can break in the gearbox, to make it ''Better'' Change the O-ring of your piston head, add a spring guide, change piston, anti-reversal latch,add a new barrel, change the wiring,and it depends what you want to achive in you Rifle.

XZIVR July 23rd, 2012 22:09

I never used mine in stock form, but the first thing when I took it out of the box was tear it down. Most of the parts looked pretty darn good, the only thing that really disappointed me was the spring guide. When I dropped my parts in, I kept the originals as spares for other guns and such.

ecnerual July 24th, 2012 11:39

That gun was supposed to shoot 380 fps and it shooted between 393fps and 397fps .. And our limit is 400fps. Its very tight and i dont want to hurt anyone but i heard that lowering the spring in this gun isnt a good idea :S ! Any tips?

Btw I'll wait until it breaks :p

Moonschlagen July 24th, 2012 11:47

You need to do some research before you ask simplistic questions like that.

Stealth July 24th, 2012 11:50


Originally Posted by Moonschlagen (Post 1682574)
You need to do some research before you ask simplistic questions like that.


It's not that we're not willing to help you. But we get lots of Kings Arms M4-related threads on a weekly basis and it's almost always the same thing.

"My King Arms M4 doesn't feed"
"What should I replace on my King Arms M4"
"What are some good upgrades for the King Arms M4"

Most of these topics have been discussed to death and almost all the answers will not only apply to the King Arms M4 platform specifically but to most AEGs.

HKGhost July 24th, 2012 14:10

What is wrong with the gun at the moment that you need to change parts? The only time that you would need to change parts are if, something is broken, or you what to archive a specific performance. Other than that, you're just wasting money unless that's your thing. For any new gun, use it. Then use it some more until you find a flaw that you want changed. Then you can upgrade parts until you're happy with the performance or if something broke. More noobs believe that you need to upgrade they're gun out of the box even before using it. Use it, then upgrade/replace if you find an issue.


Originally Posted by ecnerual (Post 1682275)
Hi guys,

I have heard that every single airsoft gun will broke ! So my question is : What is gonna break in my king arms full METAL M4 and what would you guys MOD in this gun to make it a lot more affective !

ecnerual July 27th, 2012 10:48

"Originally Posted by Styrak View Post
How about you wait until something breaks, and then fix it? It could be tomorrow, it could be (more likely) months or years down the road."

That's all i needed and for your information I looked as much as I could in the time I had. No ones is forcing you to "share" your experience.

And I found the awsner to "My King Arms M4 doesn't feed" alone btw :p

MultipleParadox July 27th, 2012 13:25


Originally Posted by ecnerual (Post 1683728)
No ones is forcing you to "share" your experience.

No one *has* to answer everyone's questions especially when these topics are plastered everywhere on the walls... just saying

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