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Canadian Army Forces 80-х
Good afternoon:).
At once I am sorry for my English, used the translator. I from Russia, the city of St.-Petersburg. We with friends have formed a team which is engaged in a generalized character of Armed forces of the Canadian army for 1960-2000 Very much to be pleasant to us the olive uniform which was used in army of Canada to CadPad. We buy the form on Ebay. Whether prompt there are commands which are engaged in the given theme? http://s57.radikal.ru/i158/1010/ba/7c822f11e86e.jpg |
This picture was taken about a month ago. The gear is pretty close to what I was wearing in 87-89. The rifle is not correct for the time period. I'll see if I can get you something better in the near future.
Bomber http://i988.photobucket.com/albums/a...9/IMG_1500.jpg |
Привет, сожалея о моем английском языке, я также использовал переводчика. Все в вашем посте было легко читать, но не ваш последний вопрос. Данная тема - 80-ые стандарта и в начале военного обмундирования 90-ых. Вы можете купить это в любом канадском военном избыточном складе или ebay. очень легкий найти в Канаде. если это не отвечает на ваш вопрос, пожалуйста спросите это снова различным способом. хорошего дня
Я должен был сказать мой русский язык :)
haha |
I do love the Volstad drawing (painting?) of the Mcpl form the Vandoo's.... looks like he could give rusty F-word about being a soldier. LOL! Personally, I miss the OD's. Bomb-proof build quality... well, until one got "Combat-lingerie" syndrome that is ;) |
Advise shops where I could buy WE ' 82
It's not in my nature to pose. Hopefully this is for a good cause. This is my CF kit circa 1987/89. I have adapted the webbing to my (airsoft) need. I have removed the SAW mag pouch to replace it with an extra C7 pouch I have also added a 9mm pistol holster and a plastic/rubber bayonet. I hope this helps.
Bomber http://i988.photobucket.com/albums/a.../DSC_1407S.jpg http://i988.photobucket.com/albums/a.../DSC_1406S.jpg |
Very nice kit, I remember it well:) Loved the jacket and the pants, hated the combat shirt:) Hated the webbing too, if you wonder why, try living with it for a month in Wainwright:) I see you even have the gas mask bag, brings back memories of gas training:) For a long time in the 80's we didn't have the band for the helmet, we used rubber bands made from the inner tube of a tire. The buckles on the webbing where often wrapped in gun tape. We used the FN C1 (FAL) wich I loved but they were so old, mine was made in 1958. Around 1986 trials started to find a replacement, in the lot I remember the M16 but my favorite was the FNC:) Nobody wanted the M16 at the time;) http://www.google.ca/imgres?q=fn+ass...t:429,r:1,s:18 |
I considered putting a set of webbing together with stuff they had at the local surplus store, but balked at the smell. Consider yourself warned; combat gear doesn't react well to being old, damp and unwashed.
Also, I just realised that we went from a pretty customizable modular setup to a static one with 4 mag pouches. DRDC has a lot to answer for... |
Very abrupt photos, I hope our command will look not worse.
If not difficult give the reference to shop which sells WE 82 Thankful in advance. |
Webbing from 60-70 to 1980's for FN C1 http://www.globalarmysurplus.com/en/...mall-size.html 1980's webbing for FN C1 (webbing available $24) http://www.globalarmysurplus.com/en/...lt-pistol.html 3 season jacket 60's to cadpat. http://www.globalarmysurplus.com/en/...-jacket-4.html |
My jacket, pants and helmet were service issue. I acquired the rest thru e-bay and the local surplus stores. I had 3 pairs of new boots but they were lost during my last move. (somewhere between Manitoba and Alberta, there are 3 movers with brand new combat boots). Anyway, about the boots, we were forbidden to use polish as it would remove the waterproof properties of the boot. There was a liquid "boot blackening compound" available and then we would use silicone on top of that. @ Sentinel, you will not get your 25 until the blackening compound is made available to me :)
@ Suxar, try: www.ebay.ca/militaria/canadian also, http://www.armynavydeals.ca/asp/ Good luck Bomber |
The mag pouches sucked ass !!! Try doing an assault with a mag change. Most times I'd drop it down my shirt because trying to get a mag into the pouch ( especially if it was wet) was near impossible. Most of the guys that had done tours cut the cloth/tab system off and stitched velcro on instead. I hated being stuck carrying the C-9 box mags. 3 on the hip and one on the gun made for one helluva a leg workout while doing advances.
I miss the OD stuff but the CADPAT does function phenominally. |
Спасибо Парни.
Ваши ответы нам очень помогают. |
I realize this is an old thread come back to life, but this particular era of Canadian military history is the primary focus of our airsoft team, the South Manitoba Rifles.
For those looking for information about the Canadian Army of the pre-CadPat era, our team's website contains a wealth of details on the subject. You can see for yourself at: http://www.southmanitobarifles.com If you like what you see on our website, you're welcome to register, but most of the information about the Canadian Army during the Cold War is viewable by all visitors. I'd also like to mention that members of our team participate annually in Operation East Wind, a Cold War reenactment event held each March in Oklahoma. |
80's style. What was the head gear? I've seen a helmet with a type of camo pattern and that weird OD bush hat. As for the weapon. Hearing mainly the FAL was in use.
Thanks so much Skeletor. Can try and complete my kit over the next couple of months.
After seeing this, I've definitely been totally swayed to create a full OD loadout.
Gotta love the peter pan hats :) , still got mine somewere . I still rock my old M82 pattern gear .
hey since were talking about old 80-90's stuff , did they ever make an accurate FN ? id love to get one again , I Had one for awile ( the king arms one ) and made the mistake of selling it .
The closest thing to the C1 I believe is the Ares model (modeled after the L1A1). It needs a complete wood-furniture makeover, but it shouldn't be terribly difficult. A teammate of mine had a KA version, decent weight (MUCH lighter than the real thing) and it threw BB's a decent distance.
Unfortunately, I got bit by the GBBR bug so I'm holding onto my pipe dream that maybe someday someone might actually make a GBBR version. I know it's not likely to happen though. |
Was just looking at a FN close to the style. I cant even find spare mags for a FN that isn't mid-highcap with the damn wheel on the bottom! Different style mags that fit this?
I had the king arms one , I found exrtra mags for it
Was issued the c2 and the useless bra during basic and was the last course to do the c5 and also test the 50cals during the testing fase in pet what a crazy place that was but would not change it for the world and miss the old place.
Just my 2 cents, but
The ares or ka L1A1 is the preferred weapon as when I was looking at them, both have the proper flash eliminator and a folding cocking handle. The KA FAL has the round cocking handle and could do in a pinch I suppose Also if you want to not worry about magazine pouches, and you can if you can find it, 64 pattern webbing might do well. The 64 pattern webbing had- 1. belt with a cheap buckle 2. Y strap web suspenders 3. Mess tin carrier 4. Water bottle carrier w/canteen 5. Grenade pouch 6. Gas Mask 7. Holster for 9mm finger for those of the officer class I know I still have mine, because my son uses it, so I try and post some pics when I get a chance |
I lucked out when I was looking for 82 Pattern web gear. I was trying to find C7 magazine pouches, and managed to come across a couple of C1 pouches. Did I jump on them? HELL YES :D
1 Attachment(s)
Here posted is a picture of 64 pattern webbing used in the Canadian Forces from 1960's till the mid to late eighties.
Attachment 37533 I forgot there was a: 1. compass carrier. Most of us use to attach our compasses to our button of our top shirt pocket 2. bayonet frog from for your bayonet |
Looks Good :) Like The C7A1
A few more pictures we have Some from our British Columbia team (The Vancouver Rifles Regiment) and some from our Ontario Team (The Ontario Guard Regiment)
http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/k...psgtiy7a53.jpg http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/k...pses00p8fc.jpg http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/k...ps0gj6uld9.jpg |
A Couple more Pictures from Our British Columbia team (The Vancouver Rifles)
http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/k...pstqainjru.jpg http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/k...pshznqbh1x.jpg |
wow there is some hard necro posting happening in this thread.
At least its good content!
Here's a pic from basic training in 91. Most of the recreations are pretty bang on.
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v5...seahre2by.jpeg |
Thanks For the compliment ZombieSniper,
looks like that Naval Officer is out of his element! were you guys able to get away with wearing your field caps in the robin hood style? |
Here's another set of photos from a vehicle and weapons display we participated in on August 6th
http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/k...psimzzjrll.jpg One of our members outfitting himself in a kit based of a soldier in Operation Deliverance. http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/k...psdyczywmo.jpg Two members practicing weapons drills before the event opens http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/k...psliwqbd0d.jpg Our section for the day doing a recce excursion after the close of the event in an Iltis. (Video to come.) |
When I was with the Hasty-Ps from 1974 to 79 I wore the od green combat uniform and my web gear was the old style with 2 ammo pouches, mess tins, canteen(American style) and web frog for the bayonet. Some time around 76 or 77 we were issued the new velcrow web gear, which was 100% better than the old web gear. With the velcrow web gear I had on the belt 2 canteens and carriers, 2 mess tin carriers with one set of aluminum mess tins. The spare mess tin carrier I used to hold the can goods from the "IRP's". The arraignment was one canteen on either hip then one mess tin carrier beside the canteens and in the middle at the back was my rolled up ponchio. Between the left canteen and mess tin pouch was my bayonet and it's web frog
Here's a couple more groups of photos from two different events.
The first is another weapons/kit display at a charity event is early Sept http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/k...ps1pavj1tx.jpg http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/k...psheqqj04f.jpg We we're lucky to meet with members of The Honour House Society. http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/k...psfsuh50pf.jpg The second set from a Rainy training day in early Oct. http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/k...ps6b2hpmju.jpg http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/k...pshvbhjw3d.jpg |
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