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Various AEG's and Rifles
MP40, AK47, L96, MP5, and G17
mp5k and 1911
The Savaging Bull, 4" barrel. I am Impressed with the fit, finish, and overall build of this gun. Minimal plastic, and what is plastic, is thick and...
Finally, a GBP I can enjoy!
I got me a Glock from LiquidSquirt!
Fresh coat of paint to be rid of the olive drab
another angle, all nice and dry and ready for action
I *think* it's a Smith&Wesson M&P40, but it's been a while since I've used it, so I don't recall.
Tear down of the L96. Needs a small amount of work, namely the scope mounts are missing a nut and clamp piece.
for a 10-12lb gun it wields and handles wonderfully! Zero'd in the scope with in 5 shots, nice and predictable bb flight paths.
Bit of a heavy pull to be placed on one part, but it seems reasonably well reinforced. I may send a few parts to my brother to be machined from...
Airsoft Canada

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